The job market has become very competitive and it will most certainly stay that way for a while or it may even become worse. It is important to remember that most employers will focus on employees with better educational skills. A person applying for a job sometime in future might not get the same job as today unless they have a bachelor’s or a master’s degree with additional short-term certifications. This is an indication that people must upgrade their educational and job skills to keep up with the job market. In today’s uncertain and difficult time, you need to understand what additional education or training or skills you will need to get a well-paying job. Before you pursue a particular certification or course, it is also very important and necessary that you do your research regarding the job market situation.
In addition to advancing your educational skills it is equally important to consider your attitude to problems. Do you see them as a challenge or do you get deflated by them? Being solution focused and resilient is definitely a skill that will serve you well in all your jobs and in your personal life. Remember that failure is as important as success. If you have never failed – you haven’t tried hard enough to succeed. There are a number of benefits to learning how to accept failure, including:
- Develop an ability to bounce back from failure or set-backs
- You will recognize failure as a necessary step toward success
- Greater motivation in learning – especially when there’s a new challenge
- Greater sense of self-belief and optimism when tackling new challenges
- Greater ability to persevere (will stick with problems longer)
- Higher levels of happiness, satisfaction, achievement and success
- Develop a love of learning
It may be challenging to decide how to get started. First and foremost, each and every student must have career goals. It is important to write down your career goals, revisit and review them from time to time. Your career goals must include proper planning for advancing of educational skills, additional training and certifications, understanding of the job market, volunteering and internships, and the solution approach/attitude to handling problems and situations. It is never too early to start planning your career. So, start practicing it during your school years for it to become an integral part of your life in future.
Here are few methods to start learning.
- Look for opportunities
- Assess your skills
- Practice
- Learn from others
- Ask for feedback
- Track your progress